That's right. The freakin' National League, butt of many jokes over the past years, given the bum's rush by the neo-sabe pluotocrats (fleshy fruit simulating grey matter...), has actually gotten the jump on Ye Olde Junior Circuit.
Currently the NL has a 22-15 lead. [UPDATE: Now 24-17 after a split of four games on May 1st]
As we go into May, the NL (thanks in large part, most likely, to a series of fortuitous rainouts) has pieced together a seven-game winning streak. [UPDATE: That streak ended at eight when the Orioles beat the Pirates.] Yes, we know that some of you don't think that the Astros' games against the NL should be considered interleague play, but...get over it.

The Yankees will play twelve (12) consecutive interleague games beginning on May 9. That's three with the Brewers, four with the Mets (home-and-home two-game series from May 12-15), three with the Pirates, and winding up with two against the Cubs. (The Rockies will play the second highest number of interleague games in May, a total of eight.)
Who has the early lead in interleague HRs in '14? Why, Mr. Malignment himself...Albert Pujols (with three). And yes, we are pretty sure that Albert is the only player to hit his 500th HR in an interleague game.