Friday, July 5, 2024


JUST a quick carry forward the 10+ HR month series a bit further...

Which month of the season has produced the most instances of 10+ homer months?

Give it a moment's thought before you take a guess... 

KEEP in mind that for a large portion of baseball history, the number of games played in April fell well behind the other months of the season. So you can eliminate April from the list.

(As a matter of fact, the very first instance of a 10-homer month in April didn't occur until 1969, whenFrank Robinson did it. There had already been 356 10-home months recorded before the very first 10-HR April occurred...)

It turns out that August is when the most 10+ HR months have occurred. The complete breakdown of 10+ HR months by month is shown at left.

We can see that the summer months (which tend to inflate home runs generally) are where 10+ HR months are likeliest to occur, with 811 of the 1289 occurring in either June, July or August.

Four of the first five September occurrences of 10+ HR months were achieved by Babe Ruth, in 1920, 1921, 1925--as he was recovering from his famous bellyache--and 1927, when the Bambino hit 17 HRs on his way to becoming the first player to hit sixty homers in a season.

The fifth 10+ HR September in the 1920s was performed by Rogers Hornsby, in 1922.

WE will delve much more deeply into this data shortly...stay tuned.